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full assignments

You will find hereafter details of the various phases of a full architecture or interior architecture assignment. Should you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us and together we can look in depth at the elements of interest to you.

1st step - First meeting

Prestations architecte d'intérieur
visite conseils

A first meeting on-site meeting will enable us to assess the feasibility of your project, to define the broad lines, highlight the strong points and the weak points of the place, to establish your requirements and your wishes, in order to lay down together a clear and well-defined schedule. We will submit to you some preliminary ideas and, if necessary, draw a few sketches to clearly convey and reach a full understanding of our discussions.


2nd step - Concept design

Prestations architecte d'intérieur


After conducting a site survey if required, we will draw the first sketches showing the various solutions and variations of the project. Often hand-drawn, they will be presented to you in the form of plans and sketches. Your approval of one of the schemes will give us the direction to adopt for the next phases.

Avant-projet sommaire


The preliminary concept design will allow us to conduct a more in-depth look at the project in detail. More accurate hand-drawn or computer-generated plans, sketches, 3D images as well as mood boards will be given to you and together, we will define what will be retained, what needs improving or discarded, in accordance with the schedule, the budget and the time-frame.

Avant-projet définitif


The final concept design phase is when the project will be globally defined and finalised. This will include fully dimensioned and to-scale plans, elevations and sections as well as 3Dperspectives, watercolours, materials boards and samples. It will give you a clear vision and understanding of your project. It will also allow an accurate estimate of the provisional costs and confirm the schedule.

Permis de construire


If required, we will submit on your behalf a planning/building permit application or a building notice, as appropriate. We will prepare all the necessary administrative and legal documents required for a complete submission. We will follow-up the application progress and supplement any requirements until the approvals have been obtained.

3rd step - Implementation – Site supervision

Prestations architecte d'intérieur
Dossier de consultation des entreprises


The tender documents will enable the selected contractors to fully appreciate the nature, quantity, quality and limits of their services and price the works and submit their tenders. The documents will include those produced in the final concept design phase, namely plans, sections, elevations defining the general concept design. The technical and regulatory elements will also be defined, allowing contractors to submit accurate and well informed quotations.


This phase entails an in-depth comparative analysis of the tenders received, ensuring they are fully compliant with the technical and detailed requirements as well as market prices. Negotiations will ensue and possible amendments made to comply with the budgeted costs. We will also ensure the selected contractors are fully compliant with legal and regulatory requirements as well as financially sound and stable.

Étude d'exécution


This is the phase during which we examine the execution drawings submitted by each contractor detailing elements of the works allotted to them. We check for compliance with the general concept design and confirm our formal approval. This phase does not include the technical analysis of the documents and does not diminish the responsibility of each contractor in relation to the drawings submitted.

Suivi de chantier


During this phase, we will ensure that the site is compliant for commencement of the works and that each and every contractor is working according the agreed schedule, following the approved drawings and within the required standards. We will conduct regular site meetings and will edit and disseminate the meetings to all concerned. We will also follow work progress and compliance with the signed contracts and approved documents. This phase will also include the checking of contractors’ interim payments requests and issuing the relevant certificates.

4th phase - Delivery – Handover

Prestations architecte d'intérieur
Assistance aux opérations de réception



The object of this phase is to conduct an in-depth detailed inspection of the completed works. We will organise site meetings with all contractors to establish a list of snagging, if present and agree a schedule for these to be remedied to. We will then hold a delivery and handover meeting in your presence, at which we can agree the completion of the works and issue the appropriate certificates, thus triggering the contractors’ legally required insurance period.

Dossier des ouvrages exécutés


At this stage, we will update all drawings and other relevant documents in accordance with the “as-built” state of the works. We will hand you a file containing all such documents, in addition to user manuals, maintenance schedule or other enabling you to fully enjoy and maintain your property.

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